Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yesterday, I went to Chellah, this ancient Cartheginian/Phoenician/Roman city. It was really beautiful. There were a ton of stray cats and a lot of beautiful flowers. I would totally pitch a tent and live there for a little bit. It’s so beautiful! I would have fresh flowers everywhere and adorable little cats to play with. =)

I’m really loving my new class. The teacher is really good, and we just talk about seemingly random stuff, letting the conversation do it’s thing, and then at the end I look on the syllabus and we’ve done everything we were supposed to. It’s really interactive, lots of talking, and I much prefer it to my class at Stanford. But I think maybe in Advanced next year it will be a lot more like that. I would totally come back here again, maybe next summer for two weeks. Right now I’m trying to find an internship somewhere in the US that either pays, or that I can get funding for through Stanford or somewhere else. We’ll see. So far I’ve found one at the InterFaith Youth Core in Chicago that looks interesting but that I would have to find my own funding for, and one at Harvard called the Pluralism Project that looks really awesome. I don’t know much about it, though, and am trying to figure out whether or not it’s paid- my guess is probably not. I also might look into something at the State Department, see what’s available. I’d love to do a religious studies one, since that’s what I want to study, but I would do anything religion/international relations/public service/LGBT rights oriented. I’m not picky. I just can’t really afford another summer of not working, so I need to look into outside funding for internships. We’ll see what happens.

I’m really really loving my time here. Several of my friends are leaving this weekend, so that’s going to be sad- I’ll have a new roommate come next week. I can’t imagine that we’ll get along as well as Olga and I do…but that’s life. I was lucky to end up with Olga.

I’m headed back to the dorm now to see if I have a stove, and if not, I’m stealing someone’s. I’m cooking vegetables, either with potatoes or with pasta.

1 comment:

  1. as-salaamu 'alaykum Aisha!

    Sorry I missed you when you were in town. Glad to know you are having a great experience in Morocco. Thanks for blogging about it--it's nice to get a feel for what you are up to.

    Greetings to the people of Morocco (and all the students too) from me!

    Soak it all in and let us see some photos when you git back, K?

