On the weekend of Nov 5, the boys and I went to a Guy Fawkes celebration in a nearby park, which including a little fair, a way-too-nice-for-fair-food cheeseburger, an awesome fireworks display, a burning effigy, and a GIANT bonfire. It was kinda cold, but a really fun thing to go to.
The following Wednesday, our entire soccer class got on a 7:30 am bus to Liverpool. We got there and got to get a tour of the Everton stadium, Goodison Park, where we were headed to a game that night. It was actually really cool; we saw the players' locker room with their uniforms for the night laid out, and we got to see a lot of the Everton memoribilia in cases, and then we sat in the Director's box for a little.
After the tour, we had time to kill in Liverpool. After a quick lunch, a group of us went to the Beatles Museum, which was pretty cool. There were several artefacts, as well as an audio tour and just a lot of talking about the Beatles. The best part was certainly getting socks with yellow submarines on them in the surprisingly decently priced gift shop, followed closely by real goldfish in a model of the yellow submarine.
Our professor very nicely paid for an Indian banquet for the entire class, which we thanked him for by buying him an Everton windbreaker. Afterwards, we went to the game, where Everton managed to score the tying point in the last minute of overtime.
Liverpool pictures here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=298788&id=725549275&l=e8633610eb
The following Sunday, Andrew, Muthu, and I went to London for a Chelsea game at the Chelsea stadium. Chelsea is the team at the top of the English Premiere League, arguably the best English team, hadn't been scored on at home since March 2009, had won all 7 games at home this season...and somehow we watched them lose to Sunderland 3-0. It was ridiculous. It was still really fun, though--the crowd atmosphere was amazing.
Andrew and I stayed in London through Tuesday, very nicely being put up by family friends of mine both nights. On Monday we went to a lot of museums, meeting up with Alex and Andrea who came in after a trip to Canterbury and Dover. We walked through Hyde Park and down Oxford street to the British Museum, then walked to the National Gallery with a stop for sushi along the way. We got ice cream cones in the park, and then went to the Victoria and Albert to meet the girls. Andrew, Andrea, and I went to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs, which was REALLY cool, though we were slightly disappointed by the rest of the museum. The gift shop had dinosaur socks, but only for small children, and we were sad.
The next day Andrew and I spent a little time in the Science Museum, which was REALLY awesome, and the headed back to Oxford. It was ridiculously foggy out and cold out of nowhere.
Last night, our group went to a formal dinner at Magdalen College. We dressed up, Oxford students wore their robes, there was a Latin blessing at the beginning and end, and there were fish knives, which I didn't even know existed but shouldn't have been surprised that they did.
That is a summary of the last two weeks. Due next week is my final paper for my tutorial, a double-length paper about Muslim women in the United States. On Wednesday my sister comes (!!!!!!!) through Sunday, and we'll have Thanksgiving with Alex's family and then go to London for a couple days.
Hard to believe there are only 3 weeks left here!